There is a good library for managing coredata. In my application, I have Jason's process of web service for Jason's management, now the problem is that I have to use two separate classes to manage the magical record and JasonModel.
Is there any way by which I can add these two? Thanks in advance.
What I personally do, adding all of my JasonModel examples is called a method: / P>
- (id) mergvyctonctx:
Whenever I get the JSON object from the Web, JSONModel parses it for me and the data I need It changes, if I want to save it to the coredata, I just call merge Thangtext: and its maximum You have not reference.
Next in my merger: Confetect: Method I just create a new organization that matches the existing JSONModel object and copy all the values. (I actually check whether a unit with model ID is already present in the coredata or not - so I am updating it, otherwise I can make a new example).
It is not very difficult and if you
the merge context automatically gives the course itself, so I can work ahead with it if I want to.
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