Sunday 15 September 2013

php - redirect to different website -

I have different solutions in relation to your question about how to redirect to a different site on both this site and Have searched. But I find out why I am your typical scenario keeps error can -

be error: "Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already (production Started by test_ecis_lib_pdo.php sent by: 3) login_submit3.php in line 10 ".

Code of login_submit3.php:

   & Lt; Title & gt; PHPRO Login & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;   

Code of config.php:

  / *** Start our session *** / session_start (); //! Include Lib 'test_ecis_lib_pdo.php' after Session_start (); / *** mysql hostname *** / $ mysql_hostname = 'localhost'; / *** mysql user name *** / $ mysql_username = 'root'; / *** mysql password *** / $ mysql_password = 'xxxx'; / *** Database Name *** / $ mysql_dbname = 'xxx'; ? & Gt;   

test_ecis_lib_pdo.php code library with functions (- and refers to the error where) begins with:

  & lt; Php // global? Version $ error = "no error"; $ Timezone = date_default_timeJohn_set ("Europe / Amsterdam"); $ CUSTOMER_TYPE = array ( "interested" = & gt; "1", "member" = & gt; "2", "chair" = & gt; "3", "admincrm" = & gt; "4", " Adminfinance "= & gt;" 4 "," Admin Enterprises "=> 5");   

I call not send header that test_ecis_lib_pdo.php file is checked (), but I still send any tags or echo text before getting the error - where I went wrong? ?? Please help you.

First of all,

  header ("use the location: Admincrm3.php ");   

Instead of header ("location: admincrm3.php"), second, what is your encoding? UTF-8 Make sure is utf-8 without UT

and make sure that a location or any other Not before the text & lt ;? Php

Before you want to use the header to enter text, then use ob_start () and < Code> Ob_flush ()

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