Sunday 15 February 2015

regex - Search and replace colon (:) between double quotes using regular expressions -

I'm quite new to regular expressions, so this can be the easiest question you've seen on the stack overflow: -)

I have a large JSON file, such as Text:

{..., "text": "Blow Blah", ...}

This text can contain any special characters and letters like \ ", which I think can be seen as escape characters in regular expression I am on a single Colon : together with ~ in "text" priority in Notepad ++. Also help will be greatly appreciated.

this regex : to Text and ~ Note: There were issues using regular expression with Notepad ++ v5. Testing in my demo Notepad ++ v6.3.3 Was done

Regex: ("text": \ r "[^" ] *):

Replace with: $ 1 ~

Input String: {"text not": "12 : 34 "," text ":" blah blah "," never get ":" oscupi "}

 Enter image details here

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