Sunday 15 September 2013

Classe_upload.php construct session empty -

I am using this class:

When I use the following code: < / P>

  $ repertoire_destination = strtolower ($ _ session ['login']); // DA clarification de la classes $ up = new telechargement ($ collection list, 'form1', 'file', 'conform_form'); // extension autorisà © es (sans les.) $ Extensions = array ("gif", "png", "jpg", "jpeg"); $ Up-> Set_exchange_accpatt ($ extension); $ Name_fichier = uniqid ($ _ session ['login']); // Renamage des Fitters (N mode incremental) C DA JAA Services Service $ Up-> Set_name_fichier ($ name_fichier, pathinfo ($ _ files ["file"] ["name"], pathinfo_expression)); $ Upflow & gt; Set_Renomme_fichier ($ name_fichier); $ Up- & gt; Set_radeim ('1920', '1200'); $ Up- & gt; Set_reidit ('160', '100', 'upload' 'stroller ($ _ session [' login ']).' / Thumbs'); // Tà © là© chargement $ up-> Upload ();   

The saved file must be saved in the directory: stroller ($ _ session ['login']); which $ _ session ['login']


But unfortunately, it sends an empty value.

When I use later:

  $ up-> Set_reidit ('160', '100', 'upload' 'stroller ($ _ session [' login ']).' / Thumbs');   

$ _ session ['login']) has a username .

Can anyone help me with it?

session_start (); should be present / include all .php files while using sessions

plus this is your initial PHP tag & lt ;? Below Php , should be at the very top (most of the time).

This is often overlooked.

More information about the sessions can be found on the web site by following the link. >

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